Before the production of power semiconductor components and power electronics and other related technologies, if you want to convert low-power direct current into higher voltage direct current, you can first convert it to alternating current with an oscillating circuit, then use a step-up transformer to boost the voltage, and finally use a rectifier Convert to DC. If it is a higher-power DC voltage conversion, a motor will be used to drive the generator (sometimes it is integrated into a dynamotor module, in which there are both a motor and a generator, one winding drives the motor, and the other winding generates the output voltage). These are relatively inefficient methods, and their costs are more expensive, but there were no other better methods at the time, such as driving early car audio (thermionic tubes or vacuum tubes used in them work at a much higher voltage than the 6V or 12V in the car. Voltage). With the advent of power semiconductors and integrated circuits, the cost of using some new circuits has begun to drop, which is a price that can be carried by general applications. cheaper. These new circuits include converting direct current to high-frequency alternating current, using a smaller, lower and cheaper transformer to convert the alternating voltage, and then using a rectifier to convert it to direct current. In 1976, car radios began to use transistors, which did not require high voltage. Power supplies using transistors are also available, but there are still some amateur radio users who use oscillator circuits and dynamotor power supplies for radio transmitters that require high voltage. .
What is DC To DC Converter?
DC To DC Converter (DC-to-DC converter), also known as DC-DC converter, is a circuit or electromechanical device that converts electrical energy. It can convert a direct current (DC) power supply into a direct current (or similar to direct current) power supply of different voltages. . Its power range can be from very small (small battery) to very large (high-voltage power conversion). The output voltage of some DC To DC Converters has the same reference point as the input voltage, while the output voltage of some DC To DC Converters is isolated from the input voltage.
Before the production of power semiconductor components and power electronics and other related technologies, if you want to convert low-power direct current into higher voltage direct current, you can first convert it to alternating current with an oscillating circuit, then use a step-up transformer to boost the voltage, and finally use a rectifier Convert to DC. If it is a higher-power DC voltage conversion, a motor will be used to drive the generator (sometimes it is integrated into a dynamotor module, in which there are both a motor and a generator, one winding drives the motor, and the other winding generates the output voltage). These are relatively inefficient methods, and their costs are more expensive, but there were no other better methods at the time, such as driving early car audio (thermionic tubes or vacuum tubes used in them work at a much higher voltage than the 6V or 12V in the car. Voltage). With the advent of power semiconductors and integrated circuits, the cost of using some new circuits has begun to drop, which is a price that can be carried by general applications. cheaper. These new circuits include converting direct current to high-frequency alternating current, using a smaller, lower and cheaper transformer to convert the alternating voltage, and then using a rectifier to convert it to direct current. In 1976, car radios began to use transistors, which did not require high voltage. Power supplies using transistors are also available, but there are still some amateur radio users who use oscillator circuits and dynamotor power supplies for radio transmitters that require high voltage. .
Before the production of power semiconductor components and power electronics and other related technologies, if you want to convert low-power direct current into higher voltage direct current, you can first convert it to alternating current with an oscillating circuit, then use a step-up transformer to boost the voltage, and finally use a rectifier Convert to DC. If it is a higher-power DC voltage conversion, a motor will be used to drive the generator (sometimes it is integrated into a dynamotor module, in which there are both a motor and a generator, one winding drives the motor, and the other winding generates the output voltage). These are relatively inefficient methods, and their costs are more expensive, but there were no other better methods at the time, such as driving early car audio (thermionic tubes or vacuum tubes used in them work at a much higher voltage than the 6V or 12V in the car. Voltage). With the advent of power semiconductors and integrated circuits, the cost of using some new circuits has begun to drop, which is a price that can be carried by general applications. cheaper. These new circuits include converting direct current to high-frequency alternating current, using a smaller, lower and cheaper transformer to convert the alternating voltage, and then using a rectifier to convert it to direct current. In 1976, car radios began to use transistors, which did not require high voltage. Power supplies using transistors are also available, but there are still some amateur radio users who use oscillator circuits and dynamotor power supplies for radio transmitters that require high voltage. .